Hello each and every single one of you here!:D
I'm shihui, posting a post before this site is rotting vvv soon!:)
Race is drawing nearer, in about 1weeks time. We left with this coming 18april last sea training and the next following week will be our PA Paddle Championship. I understand that everyone including myself have other commitment outside not only this team also knowing that everyone have been busy working and working and still working so therefore all of us are quite busy and have got no time to turn up for training. And i really hope that this coming weekend we will all turn up for the last sea training before we are all geared up for our PA Paddle Championship race. I just hope you all bear in mind that whatever that had happened in the past is already a past. Hope that after this post i shall see many people turning up for sea training on Sunday!:)
Do you all still remember why did we form up this team in the first place? Do you all still remember how much of hard work and effort you all put into it to make this team shines and bring glory to it? Do you all still remember the team was form up with only 9 pathetic peoples at that moment and yet you all won the 1st and 2nd during 5men crew? Do you all still feel the same now? I just only need 24hours of your time to give a deep thought about it, do you all still feel the same right now?
I promise to give my best this time round for PA Paddle championship and also wish that all of you will also put in the same amount of effort for this coming race, no matter what the outcome of the results is we will all " STAY TOGETHER AS A TEAM! " In a race, there's only 2 outcome of result all of us want. Is either we "won" or we "lost". I hope that thou this time round of PA Paddle Championship is gona be a tough race, don't give up and let's not waste all our training effort gone down to the drain.
It's not whether how many million of time we get knocked down, it's whether after millions of been knocked down will you still get up and fight thru the race again.
No one can defeat us unless we first defeat ourselves.
P.s: Why did we form up this team in the first place? (Give a thought)